Music in the two years since Edward Snowden leaked the U.S.'s surveillance secrets. He has applied for asylum in 27 countries. Thus far, only Russia has agreed to grant him year-to-year asylum. So, what exactly is asylum and who can get it? Well, people have been seeking refuge from persecution for a long time. Historically, those accused of crimes would hide in churches, where one could not be harmed without facing the wrath of God. In 5:11 AD, this right to asylum for murderers, adulterers, and thieves was codified in French law. This is one of the reasons that churches are referred to as sanctuaries. However, the modern form of asylum came about in the 1951 UN Refugee Convention following World War II. A large number of refugees swarmed through Europe, and the criteria for asylum seekers had to be established. Thus, a person can seek asylum if they are "unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion." As in Snowden's case, most asylum is granted within the borders of a host country. However, any territory owned by a host country can be used as well. Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, is another famous asylum seeker. He is currently being housed in Ecuador's Embassy in London. If he leaves the embassy, he risks extradition to Sweden. If you are granted asylum, you are able to live as a legal immigrant in that country. You cannot be extradited back to your country of origin as long as you have asylum status. In the US, after a year, you can apply for a green card and later citizenship. So, how do you get it? Well, essentially, you...
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Asylum definition Form: What You Should Know
In the modern political asylum system, the asylum seeker may be offered asylum by a host government only after he/she has demonstrated his/her bona fides by applying for and being granted refugee status. [Asylums at a Glance: Where & Why to Go] Asylum Status & Definition | Merriam-Webster A form of relief from persecution from danger because of race, religion, nationality or political opinion : a refuge; a temporary refuge; a protection, an asylum. Asylum Status & Definition | Merriam-Webster A temporary period of relief from the consequences of a past sin; a temporary refuge; protection in kind under law. Asylum Status & Definition | Merriam-Webster a temporary refuge provided by the State to individuals who believe that they can no longer return to their home country because they fear persecution; a refuge from deportation. A person may apply for asylum only within one year of their last departure or return to their home country. Asylum Status & Definition | Merriam-Webster a state or country that gives asylum to a person seeking protection or refuge in its territory; (the asylum-seeking) individual generally has no legal protection from expulsion from the country; a person may not seek asylum in the United States without a prior order of removal; an application by an alien to bring a political or religious persecution claim may receive an asylum determination in this country. Form I-290, Application for Asylum, must be filed within one year after departure from the country.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Asylum definition